
Product ideas

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Mandatory fields in the digital twin

Customers sometimes forget to fill in important fields in the digital twin, such as the model for the inverter. As a result, the data cannot be collected. Perhaps these fields could be marked as mandatory fields so that it is not possible to create the device without this information.


Operational Plan/Overview for Onsite Visits

This is an example from a different industry / use case (ToolSense), but it delivers the idea. Operators want to have an overview of all onsite jobs (historical, live, future).


Send and Receive Emails From the Ticket System

Similar to tools like Zendesk I want to be able to write free text emails to third parties from the ticket system, notify them about the status of a ticket and also receive email replies and log them in the tickets (similar to comments). That way I can collaborate with parties who don't have access to Platform or who want to...


Connect Digital Twin components with GIS Data

Connect Digital Twin components with GIS Data


Assignment of tickets or alerts based on labels or specific alert types

The customer would like to be able to assign ticket or alert assignees based on labels or specific alert types.


Resizing dashboard info boxes

We can't resize dashboard info boxes to the left side. See below images for ref.


Platform: Interactive tutorial or tips and tricks

Several ways to achieve this: 1. Interactive assistant, something like 'Clippy' in Microsoft Word 2. 'Tutorial button' which would start an interactive tutorial highlighting most useful or most used functionalities 3. When a user enters some part of the platform for the first time, most useful functions can be spotlighted wit...


Configuration and general usage guide as video guide (QR code on the back of loggers)

We are currently sending a 2 page installation guide with our products. Though these are simple steps to configure the logger, it might make a non tech savvy person a little anxious when it doesn't work right away. Instead, we could put a QR label on the back, which leads to our website with a video guide on how to configur...


Platform: Self-Service Data Connectivity Hub

User Story As an O&M Operator of the Amperecloud Platform I want to be able to connect different data sources to my power plant without the intervention of any Amperecloud employee So that I can easily configure data sources Problem Right now we have a lot of integrations with multiple APIs, but they are all installed ad...


Platform: Alarms on Master Data information

User Story As an asset manager using the Amperecloud Platform, I want to be able to keep track of all contracts related to my assets Like insurance, maitenance etc, So that I don't forget to handle them on time Description This could help asset managers to use also our platform to keep all their contracts renewed on time (e....


Einstellung zur Aggregation der Monitoring-Seite speichern

Einstellung zur Aggregation der Monitoring-Seite sollten spezifisch für die jede Monitoring-Seite mit gespeichert werden, sodass beim Wechsel zwischen den Monitoring Seiten immer die jeweils gespeicherte Einstellung für "Intervall" und "spezifische Erträge" automatisch angepasst wird.


Copy Paste von Floating Point Zahlen macht Probleme zwischen deutschem und englischem Format

Kopiert man eine Zahl in englischer Notation (3.14) in die Felder für Längen oder Breitgrad, wird der Punkt ignoriert und nicht durch ein Komma ersetzt (314).


Tool Tipp in Stammdaten

Nach langem Suchen im Hilfecenter von Amperecloud, konnte ich keine Info finden, wie die Werte im Dropdown angelegt werden müssen. Durch Zufall habe ich die Lösung gefunden, dass man jeden Eintrag mit der Taste "Enter" bestätigen muss. Hierzu wäre ein Hinweis sehr hilfreich. Das gilt auch für andere Eingabefelder, welche zwin...


Enable/Disable email notifications for other regular users

To be able to enable/disable email notifications for other regular users as an administrator of a company.


Monitoring structure similar as in the digital twin with drop-downs

It is clearly recognisable which components are under which layer. Possibility to view selected components



Long term forecasting for upcoming months / 1 year


Removing additional data labels in graphs (Monitoring)

When hovering over the graph to check values, say for Active power, it could be enough to show just the value of active power and not add info that Energy values are N/A. As energy values do show up when we hover over the energy line / bar. See image below for ref.